Located in Seattle



Up for sale is a 2024 Friedman Pink Taco V2 PT2 Combo in Custom White Sparkle Tolex with silver control panel. This Custom Freidman combo was designed by Thunder Road and we absolutely love the look! Model info is below. 

Handcrafted in the USA, the Pink Taco V2 head/combo utilizes tongue and groove Baltic Birch construction and the combo houses a 16 ohm, 12” Celestion Creamback G12M-65 speaker that deliver the bass, mid response and signature sound you would expect from a Friedman amplifier.

A lot of people don’t believe a EL-84 amp can deliver the tight bottom end and midrange that an EL-34 amp can produce.  The Pink Taco V2 proves 

otherwise!  Dave designed this amp to sound like a 100 watt EL-34 monster, utilizing custom transformers and the clearest signal path possible.

Plug into to Pink Taco V2 and you will notice instantly, the tight bottom end and rich harmonically detailed chords and single notes.  This amp cleans up remarkably well with the guitar’s volume control, even with the amp on higher gain settings.


Model : Pink Taco V2 Combo
Year : 2024
Modifications : None
Finish : White Sparkle
Condition : mint