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2006 "Recording the Beatles" Book by Kevin Ryan and Brian Kehew.  In Very Good condition.  A rare and wonderful addition to any Beatles collection.

11"x 11" with Slipcase.  540 pages with over 500 photographs and illustrations.


Our first book [Recording the Beatles] was an enormous undertaking.  If we knew it would take this long, we never would have started!  Along the way into my own book project, I discovered Kevin Ryan, who was researching the same topic as I, and we joined forces midway. The project came to be called Recording the Beatles, and I suppose it will probably be my “life's work.”

Taking well over 10 years to complete, the book project took us around the world, from Australia to Amsterdam, and we made dozens of friends among the Abbey Road staff, past and present. We built the book that we (as fans) wanted to read, and ended up starting our own book publishing company.

Major music publishers wanted the book, but would not agree to our desire for more photos and higher quality papers and printing; they wanted a book no more than 300 pages (“it won't sell otherwise”) and with very few photos (“they are too expensive.”) As it happens, the book came out well over 500 pages and it has hundreds of photos. We realized most books are either text-based or beautiful photo-designed “coffee table” books. We wanted both – story/history plus photos and functional diagrams. The book is nearly 12 pounds and sizeable (heavy and expensive to ship); as the then-manager of Abbey Road said “It's not a coffee table book; it IS the coffee table!”


Recording The Beatles is a book by Kevin Ryan and Brian Kehew, published by Curvebender Publishing in September 2006.  Written over the course of a decade, the book addresses the technical side of the Beatles' sessions and was written with the assistance of many of the group's former engineers and technicians, chief among them Peter K. Burkowitz, designer of the REDD mixing console.

The book's full title is Recording The Beatles: The Studio Equipment and Techniques Used To Create Their Classic Albums. It examines every piece of recording equipment used at Abbey Road Studios during the Beatles' sessions, including all microphones, outboard gear, mixing consoles, speakers, and tape machines. Each piece is examined in great detail, and the book is illustrated with hundreds of full color photographs, charts, drawings and illustrations. How the equipment was implemented during the group's sessions is also covered. The effects used on the Beatles' records are addressed in great detail, with full explanations of concepts such as ADT and flanging. The Production section of the book looks at the group's recording processes chronologically, starting with their "artist test" in 1962 and progressing through to their final session in 1970. The book contains several rare and unseen photos of the Beatles in the studio. The studio personnel and the studio itself is examined.


Chapter 1: EMI/Abbey Road Studios
Chapter 2: Personnel
Chapter 3: Mixers
Chapter 4: Outboard Gear
Chapter 5: Microphones
Chapter 6: Tape Machines
Chapter 7: Speakers & Amplifiers
Chapter 8: Effects
Chapter 9: Studio Instruments
Chapter 10: Other Studios
Chapter 11: Production (1962–1970)


Year : 2006
Model : Recording the Beatles: The Studio Equipment and Techniques Used To Create Their Classic Albums
Case : Original Slip Cover
Condition : Very Good